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OCA: Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide: Exams1Z0-051 and 1Z0-052

ISBN: 978-0-470-39512-7
1152 pages
April 2009
OCA: Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide: Exams1Z0-051 and 1Z0-052 (0470395125) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
Intro xxxix; xlvii Text correction: Errors in SQL Fundamentals I Assessment Test
Question 14:
The name of the table is FIRED EMPLOYEES, so each instance of FIRED EMPLOYEE in the INSERT statements should read FIRED EMPLOYEES.
In addition, the four INSERT statements are missing close parentheses at the end. Each INSERT statement should end with "...TRUNC(SYSDATE))"

Answer to Question 3:
Correct answers are A. and C., not C. only as given. Append the following sentence to the explanation:
"NULLIF function with a NULL value and non-NULL value as parameters will return non-NULL value."
2 83 Text correction: Errors in Numeric Function Descriptions
The last sentence in the first paragraph under ATAN2,
"ATAN2(n1,n2) is equivalent to ATAN(n1/n2)."
should read:

"ATAN2(n1,n2) is equivalent to ATAN(n1/n2) if n1 and n2 are positive integers."

The first sentence under BITAND,
"BITAND(n1, n2) takes two arguments, where n1 and n2 are positive integers or zero."
should read:

"BITAND(n1, n2) takes two arguments, where n1 and n2 are NUMBER data type.
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
93 Text correction: Error under "SYSTIMESTAMP"
Delete "takes no arguments" from the first sentence.

Add, following first sentence:
"The SYSTIMESTAMP function accepts an optional parameter to specify the precision of seconds value. The precision argument can be between 0 and 9, the default is 6."

The sentence following, that reads: "The fractional second is returned with six digits of precision." assumes the default.
2 141 & 144 Error in Chapter 2 Review Questions: Question 11
The question should read:
"Which SQL statement will replace..."

The correct answer is D, not A and D as given.

The SUBSTR function in option A would return the last two characters of the last name. These two characters are right trimmed using the RTRIM function. The result would be first portion of the last name concatenated with XX, only if the last two characters are not repeating (for example Pululul will be PXX. Option B would replace all the occurrences of the last two characters.
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
3 188 Error in SQL statement: Chapter 3 Review Questions
The SQL statement in Question 2 contains an error. The 6th line,
AND state_cd IN (?IL?,?CA?,?TX?)
should read:
AND state_code IN (?IL?,?CA?,?TX?)
5 280 Text correction: Error in code, Options for Review Question 11
Question 11, Option D: delete the end parenthesis before the semicolon at the end of the line, so that
"...WHERE DEPT_ID = 22);" reads "...WHERE DEPT_ID = 22;"
6/21/12 1st-3rd
6 300 Text correction: Incorrect SQL result
The last SQL output on the page is calculated incorrectly. Adding one year and three months should give the year as 2010, not 2009 as given. The SQL statement in the second column should read:

2010-01-24 00:00:00
6/10/10 1st & 2nd
7 366 Text correction: Error in discussion of synonyms
The fourth sentence in the second paragraph under Creating and Managing Synonyms,
"Unlike views or stored SQL, synonyms don't become invalid if the objects they point to are dropped."
should read:
"Like views or stored SQL, synonyms in 11g become invalid if the objects they point to are dropped."
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
8 403 Text correction
The abbreviation ASSM in the first sentence after the tables should be ASMM (Automatic Shared Memory Management).
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
8 419 Text correction: Error of omission under Redo Log Files
The first sentence after the header,
?Whenever a user performs a transaction in the database, the information needed to reproduce this transaction in the event of a database failure and the user does not get a confirmation of the COMMIT until the transaction is successfully written to the redo log files.?

should read:

?Whenever a user performs a transaction in the database, the information needed to reproduce this transaction in the event of a database failure is written to the redo log files and the user does not get a confirmation of the COMMIT until the transaction is successfully written to the redo log files.? [emphasis to indicate added text -Ed.]
6/21/12 1st-3rd
8 421 Text correction: Error in discussion of redo logs
The second sentence in the first paragraph after the query, ""Once redo log group 3 is full, LGWR switches to redo log group 4."
should read:
"Once redo log group 3 is full, LGWR switches to redo log group 1."
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
8 423 Text correction
The last sentence on the page should read:
Creating a database is described in detail in Chapter 9, "Creating an Oracle 11G Database."
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
8 429 Text correction: Error in directory path
First code snippet should read:
ln -s $ORACLE_BASE/admin/11GR11/pfile/init11GR11.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ init11GR11.ora
04/19/2012 1st-3rd
13 721 Text correction: Error in code under Using the INSERT Statement
The 4th line of code,
?INTO property_premium_fact (policy_id ,"
should read:
?INTO casualty_premium_fact (policy_id ,"
6/21/12 1st-3rd
13 747 Text correction: Error in discussion of Read Consistency
In the last paragraph of the section beginning on pg. 746 headed "Read Consistency", delete the final sentence, which begins "For example, although an ALTER USER ..."
11/22/09 1st
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