Basset Hound: Your Happy Healthy Pet, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-0-470-39056-6
144 pages
December 2008
![]() This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.
Chapter 1: What Is a Basset Hound?
A Scenthound.
Built for Hunting.
Chapter 2: Basset Hound History.
French Origins.
British Influence.
The Basset Hound in the United States.
Basset Hounds in Popular Culture.
Chapter 3: Why Choose a Basset Hound?
What Bassets Do.
Natural Instincts.
Special Needs.
Temperament and Training.
Sports for Basset Hounds.
Chapter 4: Choosing Your Basset Hound.
Decisions to Make.
Consider a Rescued or Shelter Dog.
Where to Get a Puppy.
Questions You’ll Be Asked.
Part II: Caring for Your Basset Hound.
Chapter 5: Bringing Your Basset Hound Home.
Using a Crate.
Puppy Essentials.
Puppy-Proofing Your Home.
Choosing a Name.
Bringing Your Puppy Home.
The First Few Weeks.
Children and Your Puppy.
Beginning Training and Socialization.
Chapter 6: Feeding Your Basset Hound.
Feeding Puppies.
Feeding Adult Dogs.
Feeding Senior Dogs.
What to Feed Your Basset Hound.
Reading Dog Food Labels.
The Overweight Basset Hound.
Picky Eaters.
Poisonous Foods.
Chapter 7: Grooming Your Basset Hound.
Grooming Supplies.
Bath Time.
Nail Trimming.
Ear Cleaning.
Teeth Cleaning.
Skin Check.
Making Your Environment Flea Free.
Chapter 8: Keeping Your Basset Hound Healthy.
Choosing a Veterinarian.
Health Concerns for Basset Hounds.
Common Canine Health Problems.
How to Make a Canine First-Aid Kit.
First Aid.
When to Call the Veterinarian.
The Senior Citizen.
Part III: Enjoying Your Basset Hound.
Chapter 9: Training Your Basset Hound.
Understanding Builds the Bond.
Practical Commands for Family Pets.
Training for Attention.
Teaching Cooperation.
Chapter 10: Housetraining Your Basset Hound.
Your Housetraining Shopping List.
The First Day.
Confine Your Pup.
Watch Your Pup.
Accidents Happen.
Scheduling Basics.
Appendix: Learning More About Your Basset Hound.
Clubs, Registries, and Associations.
Internet Resources.