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Professional Microsoft Search: SharePoint 2007 and Search Server 2008

ISBN: 978-0-470-27933-5
384 pages
September 2008
Professional Microsoft Search: SharePoint 2007 and Search Server 2008 (0470279338) cover image
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Tom Rizzo is a director in the Microsoft SharePoint product management team. Before joining the SharePoint team, Tom worked in the Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server product management teams. Tom is the author of six development books on a range of Microsoft technologies.

Richard Riley is a senior technical product manager in the Microsoft SharePoint product management team. He is responsible for driving Technical Readiness, both within, and outside of, Microsoft and specializes in Search Server 2008 and the Search features of SharePoint Server 2007. He has more than seven years of experience at Microsoft and has worked as a consultant in Microsoft Consultancy Services, and as a technical specialist in sales. He has over 10 years of industry experience and is a frequent speaker at Microsoft Technical Events.

Shane Young is the owner of SharePoint911. He has over 12 years of experience designing and administering large - scale server farms using Microsoft enterprise technologies. For the past three years, he has been working exclusively with SharePoint products and technologies as a consultant and trainer for www.SharePoint911.com . Shane has been recognized by Microsoft as an authority on SharePoint and is among an elite group of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 MVPs. Shane also maintains a popular SharePoint focused blog, http://msmvps.com/blogs/shane , which contains a lot of beneficial technical information about SharePoint administration.

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