The Fabric of Mobile Services: Software Paradigms and Business DemandsISBN: 978-0-470-27799-7
264 pages
July 2009
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Shoshana Loeb, PhD, is Executive Director and Chief
Scientist at Telcordia Technologies, Piscataway, New Jersey. She
has a proven track record in creating, financing, operating, and
growing innovative technology organizations and businesses.
Ben Falchuk, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist in the Software & Applications Lab at Telcordia Technologies. He has a long and diverse background of innovation in practical R&D related to the areas of mobile, multimedia, HCI, and middleware.
Euthimios Panagos, PhD, is a Senior Scientist at Telcordia Applied Research. His expertise lies in the areas of distributed data management, strategic planning, engineering, marketing, and client engagement.