The ESL/ELL Teacher's Book of Lists, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-0-470-22267-6
384 pages
October 2008, Jossey-Bass
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About This Book v
The Author v
Preface to the Second Edition xiii
Section 1 Getting Started 1
List 1.1. Tips for Teaching ESL/ELLs 1
List 1.2. Teaching Taxonomy for Beginning ELLs 3
List 1.3. One Hundred Ways to Praise 10
List 1.4. Meeting and Greeting 12
List 1.5. Realia and Manipulatives 15
List 1.6. Predictable School Routines 16
List 1.7. Active Response Activities 18
List 1.8. Active Response Cards 20
List 1.9. Class and School Vocabulary 25
List 1.10. ESL/ELL Students’ Language Background 28
Section 2 Core English 29
List 2.1. Five Hundred Most Frequently Used English Words 29
List 2.2. Fluency Practice for Most Frequently Used Words 33
List 2.3. Calendar Words 37
List 2.4. Number Words 39
List 2.5. Weather Words 41
List 2.6. Color Words 42
List 2.7. Time Words 43
List 2.8. Health Words 45
List 2.9. Family and Relationship Words 49
List 2.10. Money Words 52
List 2.11. Practice Checks 54
List 2.12. Safety Words 55
List 2.13. Transportation and Travel Words 57
List 2.14. Traffic Signs 59
List 2.15. Application and Form Words 61
Section 3 Pronunciation 63
List 3.1. Speech Sound Production 63
List 3.2. Consonant Production Chart 65
List 3.3. Vowel Production Chart 68
List 3.4. English Sounds Not Used in Other Languages 69
List 3.5. Problem English Sounds for ESL/ELL Students 70
List 3.6. Problem English Contrasts for ESL/ELL Students 71
List 3.7. Practice for Phonemes in the Initial Position 72
List 3.8. Practice for Phonemes in the Medial Position 77
List 3.9. Practice for Phonemes in the Final Position 81
List 3.10. Practice for Beginning and End Clusters 84
List 3.11. Practice for Problem Sounds and Contrasts 86
List 3.12. Phonetic Alphabet and English Spellings 91
List 3.13. Stress and Intonation Patterns in Words 93
List 3.14. Stress and Intonation Patterns in Sentences 95
List 3.15. Tongue Twisters 97
Section 4 Vocabulary Builders 101
List 4.1. Synonyms 101
List 4.2. Antonyms 104
List 4.3. American Idioms 106
List 4.4. English-Spanish Cognates 112
List 4.5. English-French Cognates 119
List 4.6. English-German Cognates 123
List 4.7. Collocations 127
List 4.8. Nonreversible Pairs 129
List 4.9. Phrasal VerbsSeparable 130
List 4.10. Phrasal VerbsInseparable 135
List 4.11. Words with Multiple Meanings 137
List 4.12. Homophones 142
List 4.13. Homographs and Heteronyms 150
Section 5 Grammar 159
List 5.1. Basic Sentence Patterns 159
List 5.2. Question and Answer Sentence Patterns 162
List 5.3 Negative Sentence Patterns 165
List 5.4. Active/Passive Sentence Patterns 166
List 5.5. The Parts of Speech 167
List 5.6. Verbs 170
List 5.7. Verb Conjugation 172
List 5.8. Sentence Patterns Using To Be 176
List 5.9. Subject-Verb Agreement 180
List 5.10. Time Agreement 182
List 5.11. Irregular Verb Forms 184
List 5.12. Contractions 188
List 5.13. Plurals 189
List 5.14. Pronouns 191
List 5.15. Possessive Forms 193
List 5.16. Adjectives 194
List 5.17. Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases 196
List 5.18. Articles 198
List 5.19. Conjunctions 199
List 5.20. Prepositions 200
List 5.21. Capitalization 201
List 5.22. Punctuation 203
List 5.23. Common Grammatical Errors 207
List 5.24. Spelling Rules 208
Section 6 Content Area Words 213
List 6.1. Mathematics VocabularyBasic 213
List 6.2. Mathematics VocabularyIntermediate 218
List 6.3. Social Studies VocabularyBasic 220
List 6.4. Social Studies VocabularyIntermediate 222
List 6.5. Geography VocabularyBasic 224
List 6.6. Geography VocabularyIntermediate 226
List 6.7. Science VocabularyBasic 227
List 6.8. Science VocabularyIntermediate 229
Section 7 Culture 233
List 7.1. Seasons, Holidays, and Culture 233
List 7.2. Fall (Autumn) Holidays and Seasonal Words 235
List 7.3. Winter Holidays and Seasonal Words 240
List 7.4. Spring Holidays and Seasonal Words 247
List 7.5. Summer Holidays and Seasonal Words 251
List 7.6. Month-by-Month Commemorative Dates 252
List 7.7. Flag Pledge and Patriotic Songs 255
List 7.8. Government 258
List 7.9. States 260
List 7.10. Common Names 262
List 7.11. International Proverbs 265
List 7.12. Dichos: Spanish Proverbs 268
List 7.13. Idioms Across Five Languages 270
Section 8 Teaching 273
List 8.1. ESL Standards 273
List 8.2. Thematic Language Units 274
List 8.3. Word Walls 277
List 8.4. Conversation Starters 279
List 8.5. Discussion Starters 282
List 8.6. Helping Students with Audience Recognition 286
List 8.7. Activities for Developing Auditory Skills 288
List 8.8. Activities for Developing Aural Skills 290
List 8.9. Activities for Developing Oral Skills 292
List 8.10. Activities for Grammar Instruction 296
List 8.11. Activities for Vocabulary Development 300
List 8.12. Activities for Improving Writing Skills 305
List 8.13. Taste and Touch Lessons 309
List 8.14. Journaling 310
List 8.15. Interviewing 311
List 8.16. Surveys 313
List 8.17. Strategies for Inclusive ESL/ELL Classrooms 314
List 8.18. New Literacies 316
List 8.19. Test-Taking Strategies 317
List 8.20. Bingo Blank 320
List 8.21. Fill-in Event Calendar 321
List 8.22. Five-by-Five Data Organizer 322
Section 9 Assessment 323
List 9.1. Language Assessment Guidelines 323
List 9.2. Assessing Language Proficiency 325
List 9.3. Assessing Auditory and Aural Skills 327
List 9.4. Assessing Oral Language Skills 329
List 9.5. Assessing Reading Comprehension 332
List 9.6. Assessing Written Language Skills 333
List 9.7. Tests for Assessing English Language Learners 336
Section 10 Helpful Resources and References 341
List 10.1. ESL/ELL Virtual Reference Library 341
List 10.2. Web Sites for ESL/ELL Teachers 345
List 10.3. Glossary of ESL/ELL Language Learning Terms 348