Sustainable Development in the Process Industries: Cases and ImpactISBN: 978-0-470-18779-1
288 pages
March 2010
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Foreword xi
Preface xiii
1 Introduction 1
Jan Harmsen
1.1 Reason for This Book, 1
1.2 Scope of the Book, 2
1.3 Use in Education, 2
1.4 Use in Industry, 3
2 Sustainability Metrics, Indicators, and Indices for the
Process Industries 5
Joseph B. Powell
2.1 Overview and Scope, 5
2.2 Hierarchy of SD Metrics, Indices, and Indicators, 7
2.3 Practical Tools for the Process Industries, 10
2.4 Summary and Conclusions, 17
References, 19
3 Resource Effi ciency of Chemical Manufacturing Chains:
Present and Future 23
Jean-Paul Lange
3.1 Introduction, 23
3.2 Resource Efficiency, 24
3.3 Economic Impact, 32
3.4 Conclusions, 35
References, 35
4 Regional Integration of Processes, Agriculture, and Society
Michael Narodoslawsky
4.1 The Formative Character of Raw Materials, 39
4.2 The Systemic Engineering Challenge, 44
4.3 Regional Integration of Technologies, 46
References, 57
5 Eco-industrial Parks in The Netherlands: The Rotterdam
Harbor and Industry Complex 59
L. W. Baas and G. Korevaar
5.1 Introduction, 59
5.2 Industrial Ecosystem Programs in Rotterdam, 60
5.3 Conclusions, 76
References, 78
6 By-product Synergy Networks: Driving Innovation Through
Waste Reduction and Carbon Mitigation 81
Andrew Mangan and Elsa Olivetti
6.1 Introduction, 81
6.2 BPS Origins, 83
6.3 The BPS Process, 87
6.4 Barriers and Challenges, 94
6.5 Benefi ts and Opportunities, 97
6.6 Examples, 100
6.7 Conclusions, 106
References, 106
7 Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass For Energy and Chemicals:
Technologies at Various Scales 109
R. H. Venderbosch and W. Prins
7.1 Introduction, 109
7.2 Oil Properties, 114
7.3 Fast Pyrolysis Process Technologies, 120
7.4 Mass and Energy Balance for Production of Bio-oil and Char in a 2-ton/h Wood Plant, 136
7.5 Bio-oil Fuel Applications, 139
7.6 Chemicals from Bio-oil, 144
7.7 Economics, 148
7.8 Concluding Remarks, 149
References, 150
8 Integrated Corn-Based Biorefi nery: A Study in Sustainable
Process Development 157
Carina Maria Alles and Robin Jenkins
8.1 Introduction, 157
8.2 Technology Development for an Integrated Corn-Based Biorefi nery, 159
8.3 LCA Results: ICBR Versus Benchmarks, 165
8.4 Final Refl ections, 168
References, 169
9 Cellulosic Biofuels: A Sustainable Option for
Transportation 171
Jean-Paul Lange, Iris Lewandowski, and Paul M. Ayoub
9.1 Introduction, 171
9.2 Case Studies, 175
9.3 Sustainability of Biomass Production, 183
9.4 Conclusions and Recommendations for R&D Activities, 194
Note Added in Proof, 196
References, 196
10 Integrated Urea–Melamine Process at DSM: Sustainable
Product Development 199
Tjien T. Tjioe and Johan T. Tinge
10.1 Short Summary of Melamine Development, 199
10.2 Current Uses of Melamine, 200
10.3 Urea Production, 201
10.4 Conventional DSM Stamicarbon Gas-Phase Melamine Production Process, 202
10.5 New Integrated Urea–Melamine Process, 205
10.6 Conclusions, 207
References, 207
11 Sustainable Innovation in the Chemical Industry and Its
Commercial Impacts 209
Joseph B. Powell
11.1 Overview, 209
11.2 Historical Perspective, 210
11.3 Innovations in the Age of Sustainability, 212
11.4 Sustainability Driven by Innovation and Performance, 215
References, 216
12 Implementation of Sustainable Strategies in Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises Based on the Concept of Cleaner Production
Johannes Fresner and Jan Sage
12.1 Overview, 219
12.2 Active Strategies for Sustainable Management, 220
12.3 Eloxieranstalt A. Heuberger GmbH: Sustainable Management in an Anodizing Plant, 221
12.4 Analysis of the Results, 226
12.5 Implementation of Sustainable Strategies, 230
Appendix: A Successful Regional Cleaner Production Project, 231
References, 236
13 Sustainable Concepts in Metals Recycling and Mineral
Processing 237
Nitosh Kumar Brahma
13.1 Overview, 237
13.2 Bioleaching Process Design and Development, 238
13.3 Bioleaching Reactor Design: Applicability of the Core Particle Model, 241
13.4 Industrial Applications, 243
13.5 Conclusions, 245
References, 246
14 Industrial Ecosystem Principles in Industrial Symbiosis:
By-product Synergy 249
Qingzhong Wu
14.1 Introduction, 249
14.2 Relationship Between Industrial Symbiosis and Sustainable Development, 250
14.3 Challenges, Barriers, and Countermeasures in Exploration, Evaluation, and Implementation of Industrial Symbiosis, 252
14.4 What By-Product Synergy Is and Is Not, 253
14.5 Work Process and Successful Cases of Industrial Symbiosis, 254
14.6 Conclusions and Recommendations, 261
References, 263
Index 265