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Professional CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-470-17708-2
301 pages
May 2008
Professional CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design, 2nd Edition (047017708X) cover image
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1. Best Practices for XHTML and CSS.

2. Google's Blogger.com: Rollovers and Design Touches.

3. The Classic U.S. PGA Championship Web Site.

4. The University of Florida's UFL.edu.

5. Stuff and Nonsense Ltd.: Strategies for CSS Switching.

6. Adventures of CindyLi.com: Blog Modifications.

7. AIGA Cincinnati: HTML Email Templates.

8. Professional CSS Book Site: Using Transparent PNGs.

9. Building CSS Layouts.

Appendix A. HTML 4.01 Elements.

Appendix B. Rules for HTML-to-XHTML Conversion.

Appendix C. CSS 2.1 Properties.

Appendix D. CSS Troubleshooting Guide.


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