Goldfish: Your Happy Healthy Pet, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-0-470-16512-6
128 pages
October 2007
![]() This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.
Chapter 1: What Is a Goldfish?
The History of Goldfish.
Classifying Goldfish.
The Basic Goldfish Body.
How Do Goldfish Swim?
How Do Goldfish Breathe?
A Goldfish’s Senses.
Chapter 2: (Almost) Endless Variety.
Flat Body Type.
Round or Egg-Shaped Body Type.
Chapter 3: Choosing Your Goldfish.
Goldfish and Other Tropical Fish.
Signs of a Healthy Goldfish.
Avoid Overcrowding.
How to Avoid Overcrowding.
Part II: Goldfish Habitats.
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Aquarium.
Aquarium Tanks.
Water Filters.
Other Accessories.
Setting Up Your Aquarium.
The Water.
The Nitrogen Cycle.
Bringing Your Goldfish Home.
Chapter 5: Aquarium Plants.
Why Live Plants?
Rooted Plants.
Bunched Plants.
Floating Plants.
Chapter 6: The Outdoor Goldfish Pond.
Where to Place the Pond.
Pond Size.
Types of Ponds.
The Fish.
Pond Plants.
Spawning and Breeding.
Cleaning the Pond.
Part III: Taking Care of Your Goldfish.
Chapter 7: Feeding Your Goldfish.
What Should I Feed My Goldfish?
How to Feed Your Fish.
A Sample Diet.
Chapter 8: Maintaining Your Aquarium.
General Maintenance.
Partial Water Changes.
Maintenance Checklist.
Chapter 9: Goldfish Diseases.
Signs of Illness.
Commercial Remedies.
The Hospital Tank.
Common Diseases.
Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal Infections.
Parasite Infestations.
Appendix: Learning More About Your Goldfish.