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Knowledge Based Radar Detection, Tracking and Classification

ISBN: 978-0-470-14930-0
284 pages
May 2008
List Price: US $168.50
Government Price: US $116.44
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1. Introduction (Fulvio Gini and Muralidhar Rangaswamy).

2. Cognitive Radar (Simon Haykin)

3. Knowledge-Based Radar Signal and Data Processing: A Tutorial Overview (Gerard T. Capraro, Alfonso Farina, Hugh D. Griffiths, and Michael C. Wicks).

4. An Overview of Knowledge-Aided Adaptive Radar at DARPA and Beyond (Joseph R. Guerci and Edward J. Baranoski).

5. Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Airborne Radar: A Knowledge-Based Perspective (Michael C. Wicks, Muralidhar Rangaswamy, Raviraj S. Adve, and Todd B. Hale).

6. CFAR Knowledge-Aided Radar Detection and its Demonstration Using Measured Airborne Data (Christopher T. Capraro, Gerard T. Capraro, Antonio De Maio, Alfonso Farina, and Michael C. Wicks).

7. STAP via Knowledge-Aided Covariance Estimation and the FRACA Meta-Algorithms (Shannon D. Blunt, Karl Gerlach, Muralidhar Rangaswamy, and Aaron K. Shackelford).

8. Knowledge-Based Radar Tracking (Alessio Benavoli, Luigi Chisci, Alfonso Farina, Sandro Immediata, and Luca Timmoneri).

9. Knowledge-Based Radar Target Classification (Igal Bilik and Joseph Tabrikian).

10. Multifunction Radar Resource Management (Sergio Luis de Carvalho Miranda, Chris J. Baker, Karl Woodbridge and Hugh D. Griffiths).


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