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Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

ISBN: 978-0-470-12529-8
600 pages
June 2007
Beginning SharePoint 2007 Administration: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (0470125292) cover image
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Göran Husman is a true computer nerd who started his career as a computer programmer in 1978. After working as a C and Fortran developer for a medical university and later a large telecom company, he started his own consulting company in 1989. Due to market demands he soon switched his focus from UNIX to the MS environment and from developing code to implementing large e-mail systems and building information systems. Göran has also been hired as a computer trainer since the beginning of 1980. In 1993 he became one of the first certified MS Certified Trainers (MCT) in Sweden, and he has regularly conducted MS courses ever since. He is also certified by Microsoft as an MCP (with the number 2888) and an MSCE. His great engagement in e-mail systems awarded him status as Sweden’s first MS Exchange MVP (Most Valuable Professional) by Microsoft. He switched his focus to MS SharePoint in 2003, and in January 2006 Microsoft awarded him status as Sweden’s first SharePoint Portal Server MVP, which was renewed in January 2007. Göran has written a large amount of training material for the Swedish market over the years, and in 2001 his book Exchange 2000 Server on Site was released in the United States. In 2006 his book Beginning SharePoint Administration was released by Wrox. He is also frequently a speaker at conferences and seminars. Today Göran divides his time between consulting contracts, training, leading his company Human Data, and from time to time writing books. Oh, and he is also the proud father of six great kids from the ages of 6 to 28, which may be his greatest achievement in life.

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