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Stem Cells: Nuclear Reprogramming and Therapeutic Applications

Gregory R. Bock (Editor), Jamie A. Goode (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-470-09143-2
230 pages
March 2005
List Price: US $185.00
Government Price: US $135.63
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Stem Cells: Nuclear Reprogramming and Therapeutic Applications (0470091436) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book

Chair's Introduction (John Gearhart).

What is a stem cell ?  Discussion (Davor Solter).

Bone-marrow derived hepatocytes - Discussion (Markus Grompe).

Normal and neoplastic stem cells - Discussion (Irvin L. Weissman).

Multipotent adult progenitor cells: an update - Discussion (Catherine A. Verfaillie).

Neural progenitor cells of the adult brain - Discussion (Steven A. Goldman and Fraser Sim).

Stem cells in the brain - General Discussion I.

Embryonic stem cells: a perspective - Discussion (Martin Evans).

Nuclear cloning, epigenetic reprogramming and cellular differentiation - Discussion (Rudolf Jaenisch, Konrad Hochedlinger and Kevin Eggan).

General Discussion II.

Nuclear reprogramming by xenopus oocytes - Discussion (J.B. Gordon, J.A. Byrne and S. Simonsson).

Cardiac stem cells and myocardial regeneration - Discussion (Bernardo Nadal-Ginard, Perio Anversa, Jan Kajstura and Annarosa Leri).

Genenration of insulin-producing cells from stem cells - Discussion (Bernat Soria, Enrique Roche, Juan A. Reig and Franz Martin).

Cell therapy for Parkinson's disease: problems and prospects - Discussion (Anders Bjorklund).

Ethical (and political) issues in research with human stem cells - Discussion (Thomas H. Murray).

The regulatory environment - final discussion.

Index of contributors.

Subject index.

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