Beginning Ruby on RailsISBN: 978-0-470-06915-8
408 pages
November 2006
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.
Chapter | Page | Details | Date | Print Run |
60 | Typo First Sentence: clocks should be: blocks |
02/19/07 | ||
69-71 | Error in Text The output of the code: The new dog is brown should be: The new animal is brown |
01/16/07 | ||
94 | Error in Directory Path under "Creating the controller": rubydev\ch04\first\controllers directory should be: rubydev\ch04\first\app\controllers |
02/19/07 | ||
139 | Error in Text C:\rubydev\ch05\modeler>ruby script/server should be: C:\rubydev\ch05\textfields2>ruby script/server |
02/06/07 | ||
144 | Error in Text http//localhost3000/input.html should be: http//localhost3000/look/at |
02/06/07 | ||
147 | Error in Step step 9: http://localhost:3000/input.html should be: http://localhost:3000/look/input |
02/19/07 | ||
5 | 154, 155 | Error in Code pg 144: 5. Create a new view template for the application, rubydev\ch05\textfields2\app\views\look\input.rhtml should be: 5. Create a new view template for the application, rubydev\ch05\session\app\views\look\at.rhtml THEN pp 155, to invoke it: localhost:3000/look/at |
01/04/07 | |
167 | Error in Text C:\>cd \rubydev\ch06\store>ruby should be: C:\>cd \rubydev\ch06\store |
02/06/07 | ||
193 | Error in Code 2nd highlighted block: :order => "name description" should be: :order => "name, description" |
12/27/2007 | ||
216 | Error in Text @cart.initializeinitialize should be: @cart.initialize |
02/06/07 | ||
231 | Error in Text validates_numericality_of. Should be: validates_uniqueness_of. |
05/21/07 | ||
235 | Error in Code "Try It Out", Step 1: code line: validates_inclusion_of :data, :in=> 1..99, :message => "is out of bounds" should be: validates_inclusion_of :data, :in=> '1'..'99', :message => "is out of bounds" |
1/25/07 | ||
245 | Error in Text Below figure 8-17 reads: various options you can set with validates_confirmation_of. should read: various options you can set with validates_length_of. |
03/05/07 | ||
274 | Error in Code (2) if ( >= 9 && <== 17) should be: if ( >= 9 && <= 17) the error is repeated on this page |
05/17/07 | ||
275 | Error in URL step 11: Navigate to http://localhost:3000/play/game should be: Navigate to http://localhost:3000/play/now |
05/17/07 | ||
285 | Error in Command step 1: rails login should be: rails copyrighter |
05/17/07 | ||
11 | 330 | Error in Code In part 5 of the Using XML and Ajax Try it out section: 'var xmlDocment = request.responseXml' might have to be: 'var xmlDocument = request.responseXML'. (note: some browsers might require capitalization) |
08/13/2007 | |
5 | Error in Code Step #4 Create a new file, rubydev\ch05\textfields\public\input.html, adding this code: <html> <head> <title>Using Text Fields</title> </head> <body> <h1>Working With Text Fields</h1> This Ruby on Rails application lets you read data from text fields. <br> <form action = "\look\at" > Please enter your name. <br> <input type="text" name="text1"> <br> <br> <input type="submit"/> </form> </body> </html> the code <form action = "\look\at" > is problematic, as the URI scheme, used by html, does not allow for backslashes ("\"). the correct syntax would be <form action = "/look/at" >. though the former works on internet explorer 6, it does not on firefox." |
07/24/2007 |