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C# 2005 Programmer's Reference

ISBN: 978-0-470-04641-8
386 pages
November 2006
C# 2005 Programmer's Reference (0470046414) cover image
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Adrian Kingsley-Hughes and Kathie Kingsley-Hughes (UK) have authored and co-authored several successful technical/PC books on a variety of subjects for a range of publishers including Wiley/Wrox Pressand Sybex.  They have also developed numerous successful training manuals and Internet-based courses for nearly a decade.  They run a UK company specializing in application/internet development and security, and they teach online courses for several training providers.  Adrian has developed several highly successful courses for Barnes and Noble University where he teaches professional skills to students ranging from complete beginners to experts. The two have produced courses and training materials that have been used extensively by many Fortune 50, Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, as well as many leading universities in the US and abroad. Adrian and Kathie also run several high-profile and successful websites, including "The PC Doctor" (http://www.pcdoctor-guide.com) "Kingsley-Hughes.com"(http://www.kingsley-hughes.com).

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