Essential Physiological Biochemistry: An Organ-Based ApproachISBN: 978-0-470-02635-9
342 pages
December 2009
![]() Other Available Formats: Paperback
1 Introduction to metabolism.
Overview of the Chapter.
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Metabolic Pathways.
1.3 Organization of Pathways.
1.4 Enzymes and Enzyme-Mediated Reactions.
1.5 Bioenergetics: An Introduction to Biological Thermodynamics.
1.6 Enzyme-mediated Control of Metabolic Pathways.
1.7 Strategy for Learning the Details of a Pathway: ‘Active Learning’ is Essential.
Chapter Summary.
Problems and Challenges.
2 Dynamic and Quantitative Aspects of Metabolism: Bioenergetics and Enzyme Kinetics.
Overview of the Chapter.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Bioenergetics: The Application of Thermodynamic Principles to Biological Systems.
2.3 Enzyme Kinetics.
2.4 Energy Generating Metabolic Processes.
Chapter Summary.
3 Principles of Metabolic Control: Enzymes, Substrates, Inhibitors and Genes.
Overview of the Chapter.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 General Principles.
3.3 Glycolysis and the K TCA Cycle as Models of Control of Metabolic Pathways.
Chapter Summary.
Problems and Challenges.
4 Biochemistry of Intercellular Communication; Metabolic Integration and Coordination.
Overview of the Chapter.
4.1 Key Pathways.
4.2 Introduction.
4.3 Physiological Aspects.
4.4 Signalling Molecules.
4.5 Synthesis of Hormones.
4.6 Target Tissue Response to Signals.
4.7 Receptor Tyrosine Kinases.
4.8 Diabetes Mellitus (Greek: Large Volumes of Sweet Fluid).
Chapter Summary.
Case Notes.
5 Biochemistry of the Blood and the Vascular System.
Overview of the Chapter.
Key Pathways.
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 The Blood Vascular System.
5.3 Circulating Blood Cells.
5.4 Coagulation and Complement: Two of the Body’s Defence Mechanisms.
5.5 Blood as a Transport Medium.
Chapter Summary.
Case Notes.
6 Biochemistry of the Liver.
Overview of the Chapter.
Key Pathways.
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Physiology of the Liver.
6.3 Synthetic Functions.
6.4 Detoxification and Waste Disposal.
6.5 Maintenance of Blood Glucose Concentration.
Chapter Summary.
Case Notes.
7 Biochemistry of Muscle.
Overview of the Chapter.
Key Pathways.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Physiology of Muscles.
7.3 Fuel Metabolism within Muscles.
7.4 Maintenance of ATP Availability in Active Muscle.
7.5 Fatty Acid as a Fuel in Muscle.
7.6 Proteins and Amino Acids as Fuels.
7.7 Fuel Utilization by Muscle: Adaptation to Exercise and Training.
Chapter Summary.
Case Notes.
8 Biochemistry of the Kidneys.
Overview of the Chapter.
Key Pathways.
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Renal Physiology.
8.3 Metabolic Pathways in the Kidneys.
Chapter Summary.
Case Notes.
9 Biochemistry of Connective Tissue: Bone and Adipose.
Overview of the Chapter.
Key Pathways.
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Histology of Connective Tissue.
9.3 The ECM of Connective Tissue.
9.4 Bone.
9.5 Cartilage.
9.6 Adipose Tissue.
9.7 Adipose as an Endocrine Tissue.
Chapter Summary.
Case Notes.