Kim Klein's Fundraising Series
I believe in creating a society in which the primary questions is always, "What promotes the common good?" Enacting this vision of social justice requires mobilizing significant resources, including money. For that reason, effective, diversified fundraising must be part of the every nonprofit organization's organizing, advocacy, and service work.
The Kim Klein Fundraising Series is committed to supporting the common good by producing practical, reliable, and easy to understand materials on fundraising and philanthropy. We hope these works help people who are committed to social justice to build strong, financially healthy, mission-driven organizations.
Get practical tips and tools to help you raise money for your organization, visit the Grassroots Fundraising Journal website and read the Dear Kim Q&A Column. Find out more about how Klein & Roth Consulting can help your nonprofit organization.
Kim Klein, Series Editor
Kim Klein is internationally known as a fundraising trainer and consultant. She is a member of the Building Movement Project and leads workshops on tax policy and the importance of the "commons" for them as well as being a regular contributor to their website. She is the Kim Klein's Fundraising Series Series Editor at Jossey-Bass Publishers, which publishes and distributes materials that help to build a stronger nonprofit sector, and the founder of the bimonthly Grassroots Fundraising Journal.
Stephanie Roth
Stephanie Roth is the co-director of the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training and the editor of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal. She has worked as a staff member, board member, volunteer and consultant with nonprofit organizations in the US and overseas since 1978, with an emphasis on grassroots, social justice organizations. She also facilitates meetings and retreats.