Wiley 是地球与环境科学领域的世界顶尖出版商。在本页中,我们精心挑选了Wiley在该领域产品组合中与能源研究相关的内容,包括期刊文章与经典书籍。
- 美国地球物理联合会(American Geophysical Union)
- 自2013年1月起,Wiley与地球与空间科学领域的世界顶尖协会---“美国地球物理联合会”建立了合作关系!
- 美国水资源协会(American Water Resources Association)
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- 国际沉积学家协会(International Association of Sedimentologists)
- 中国地质学会(Geological Society of China)
- 伦敦地质学会(Geological Society of London)
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- 国际环境毒理与化学学会(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)
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GCB Bioenergy
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Energy Science & Engineering
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Journal of Industrial Ecology
阅读《Journal of Industrial Ecology(产业生态学报)》中文摘要 |
Journal of Applied Ecology
Integrating applied ecology and planning policy: the case of micro-turbines and wildlife conservation
Kirsty J. Park、Alex Turner 和 Jeroen Minderman
Estimation of bird and bat mortality at wind-power farms with superpopulation models
Guillaume Péron、James E. Hines、James D. Nichols、William L. Kendall、Kimberly A. Peters 和 David S. Mizrahi |
Basin Research
The formation of a failed continental breakup basin: The Cenozoic development of the Faroe-Shetland Basin
Rosie Fletcher、Nick Kusznir、Alan Roberts 和 Robert Hunsdale
Thermal properties of sediments in southern Israel: a comprehensive data set for heat flow and geothermal energy studies
F. Schütz、B. Norden、A. Förster、DESIRE Group |
Wiley 跨学科评论:气候变化
The politics of climate change in China
Ye Qi、Tong Wu
Biofuels: economic, environmental and social benefits and costs for developing countries in Asia
Shabbir H. Gheewala、Beau Damen、Xunpeng Shi |
Earth’s Future
代表“美国地球物理联合会(American Geophysical Union)”出版 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system: A scientific assessment |
Water Resources Research
Cumulative biophysical impact of small and large hydropower development in Nu River, China |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
A theory of ionospheric response to upward-propagating tides: Electrodynamic effects and tidal mixing effects |
浏览能源资源文章精选 |
Geological Journal
Uppermost Permian reefs from the Wubaiti structure in eastern Sichuan, China: implications for exploration of natural gas reservoirs
Zhi-Qiang Shi、Zhong-Qiang Chen、Biao Zhang、Yan-Yan Wang、Ming Cheng 和 Yan-Guo Qiao
Mesozoic to Cenozoic intracontinental deformation and dynamics of the North China Craton
S. Z. Li、Y. H. Suo、M. Santosh、L. M. Dai、X. Liu、S. Yu、S. J. Zhao 和 C. Jin |
Geophysical Prospecting
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Geology Today
Oil exploration in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and the Chicxulub impact
Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi、Ligia Pérez-Cruz、Antonio Camargo-Zanoguera
Chalcopyrite-bearer of a precious, non-precious metal
Bryn E. Kimball |
Journal of Petroleum Geology
Oil charge history of bitumens of differing maturities in exhumed Palaeozoic reservoir rocks at Tianjingshan, NW Sichuan Basin, Southern China
Q. Zhou、X.M. Xiao、H. Tian、R. W. T. Wilkins
Charging of Ordovician reservoirs in the Halahatang depression (Tarim Basin, NW China) determined by oil geochemistry
Chang Xiangchun、T.-G. Wang、Li Qiming 和 Ou Guangxi
Upper Triassic potential source rocks in the Qiangtang Basin, Tibet: organic geochemical characteristics
Y. H. Zeng、X. G. Fu、S. Q. Zeng 和 G. Du |
A quantitative approach to fluvial facies models: Methods and example results
Luca Colombera、Nigel P. Mountney、William D. McCaffrey
Oceanographic and eustatic control of carbonate platform evolution and sequence stratigraphy on the Cretaceous (Valanginian-Campanian) passive margin, northern Gulf of Mexico
Ryan M. Phelps、Charles Kerans、Robert G. Loucks、Rui O.B.P. Da Gama、Jason Jeremiah 和 David Hull
Impact of dynamic sedimentation on facies heterogeneities in Lower Cretaceous peritidal deposits of central east Oman
Claire M. Sena、Cédric M. John
High-resolution stratigraphic architecture and lithological heterogeneity within marginal aeolian reservoir analogues
Samantha Taggart、Gary J. Hampson、Matthew D. Jackson |
Resource Geology
Highly Oxidized Magma and Fluid Evolution of Miocene Qulong Giant Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Southern Tibet, China
Bo XIAO、Kezhang QIN、Guangming LI、Jinxiang LI、Daixiang XIA、Lei CHEN 和 Junxing ZHAO
Rare Earth and Rare Metal Elements Mobility and Mineralization During Magmatic and Fluid Evolution in Alkaline Granite System: Evidence from Fluid and Melt Inclusions in Baerzhe Granite, China
Yi Sun、Yong Lai、Jing Chen、Qihai Shu 和 Cong Yan
Sedimentary Crust and Metallogeny of Granitoid Affinity: Implications from the Geotectonic Histories of the Circum-Japan Sea Region, Central Andes and Southeastern Australia
Kohei Sato |
Radio Science
Development of a passive VHF radar system using software‒defined radio for equatorial plasma instability studies |