生物能源 (Bioenergy)
Highlight from Prof. Tao Sang, Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University (E-mail: [email protected]): 如果人们想进行生物燃料原料的大规模可持续生产,则需要开发能够在边际土地上生长的能源作物。通过与粮食作物驯化的比较,本文着重概述了能源作物驯化的理论框架。基于单元操作的生命周期评估表明,从环境效能的角度来说,没有依据能够用来区别固定生物能源发电厂的规模。因此政策机制应该同等地针对所有规模的热电厂。一系列的研究评估并调查了食木类昆虫如何消化结构性与难降解木质纤维素的机制。这方面的研究工作应能够推动生物燃料加工技术的发展。
IUBS 虚拟特刊 – 生物能源 (点击此处阅读更多文章和图书)
Toward the Domestication of Lignocellulosic Energy Crops: Learning from Food Crop Domestication
Tao Sang
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass-based Combined Heat and Power Plants
Geoffrey Guest, Ryan M. Bright, Francesco Cherubini, Ottar Michelsen, Anders Hammer Strømman
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Food vs. fuel: the use of land for lignocellulosic ‘next generation’ energy crops that minimize competition with primary food production
John Valentine, John Clifton-Brown, Astley Hastings, Paul Robson, Gordon Allison, Pete Smith
GCB Bioenergy
Energy coupling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: selected opportunities for metabolic engineering
Stefan de Kok, Barbara U. Kozak, Jack T. Pronk and Antonius J.A. van Maris
FEMS Yeast Research

Edited by Frances Harris
ISBN: 978-0-470-68469-6
(Read Sample Chapter)