
Business (商业)
学科 系列/子品牌
会计 GAAP, International Accounting
商业 All on China, Jossey- Bass on Leadership, Warren Bennis Books Series
金融 Bloomberg Press, CFA Investment Series, Islamic Finance, KOLB Series in Finance, The Frank J. Fabozzi Series, Wiley Finance, Wiley Trading
专业考试和认证 Certified Management Accountant(CMA), CFA ® Level 1 Exam(CFA一级考试), CPA, GMAC

Consumer (大众类)
学科 系列/子品牌
大众兴趣 For Dummies, Digital Camera & Photography

Professional (专业)
学科 系列/子品牌
建筑学 Architectural Graphic Standards
烹饪与酒店管理学 Culinary Institute of America
教育 Jossey- Bass Teacher Series
计算机科学 Autodesk, Sybex, Wrox