New Approaches to Film Genre
New Approaches to Film Genre provides students and teachers with original, insightful, and entertaining overviews of major film genres. Each book in the series gives an historical appreciation of its topic, from its origins to the present day, and identifies and discusses the important films, directors, trends, and cycles. Authors articulate their own critical perspective, placing the genre's development in relevant social, historical, and cultural contexts. For students, scholars, and film buffs alike, these represent the most concise and illuminating texts on the study of film genre.
New Approaches to Film Genre (14)
April 2011, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
April 2011, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
April 2009, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
US $114.95 Buy
April 2009, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
US $44.95 Buy
April 2006, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
US $132.95 Buy