
Our Professional Development products and services include print and digital books, subscription content, e-Learning test prep, webinars and online courseware, workflow applications, vertical websites, and online assessment tools in all formats. We serve professionals in specialized markets and consumers in selected categories, a strategy that permits product franchising and deep market penetration in such areas as business, finance, accounting, workplace learning, management, leadership, technology, behavioral health, engineering/architecture, education, and general interest. Products are developed in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia for worldwide distribution through multiple channels, including bookstores, online sales, and direct marketing.

Professional Development continues to grow rapidly through an effective combination of organic growth and acquisition. Our global brands include For Dummies, Jossey-Bass, Bloomberg Press, Sybex, Wrox, Pfeiffer, Fisher Investments Press, J.K. Lasser, Leadership Challenge, Wiley Learning Institute, Therascribe and Wiley CPA Exam Review.