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3 matches for "Alan Titchenal"

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, Volume 1: Principles, Bakery, Beverages, Cereals, Cheese, Confectionary, Fats, Fruits, and Functional Foods (0470125241) cover image
by Y. H. Hui (Editor), Ramesh C. Chandan (Associate Editor), Stephanie Clark (Associate Editor), Nanna A. Cross (Associate Editor), Joannie C. Dobbs (Associate Editor), William J. Hurst (Associate Editor), Leo M. L. Nollet (Associate Editor), Eyal Shimoni (Associate Editor), Nirmal K. Sinha (Associate Editor), Erika B. Smith (Associate Editor), Somjit Surapat (Associate Editor), Alan Titchenal (Associate Editor), Fidel Toldra (Associate Editor)
April 2007, Hardcover
Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, 2 Volume Set (0470049642) cover image
by Y. H. Hui (Editor), Ramesh C. Chandan (Editor), Stephanie Clark (Editor), Nanna A. Cross (Editor), Joannie C. Dobbs (Editor), W. Jeffrey Hurst (Editor), Leo M. L. Nollet (Editor), Eyal Shimoni (Editor), Nirmal K. Sinha, Erika B. Smith (Editor), Somjit Surapat (Editor), Fidel Toldra (Editor), Alan Titchenal (Editor)
April 2007, Hardcover
Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, Volume 2: Health, Meat, Milk, Poultry, Seafood, and Vegetables (047012525X) cover image
by Y. H. Hui (Editor), Ramesh C. Chandan (Associate Editor), Stephanie Clark (Associate Editor), Nanna A. Cross (Associate Editor), Joannie C. Dobbs (Associate Editor), William J. Hurst (Associate Editor), Leo M. L. Nollet (Associate Editor), Eyal Shimoni (Associate Editor), Nirmal K. Sinha (Associate Editor), Erika B. Smith (Associate Editor), Somjit Surapat (Associate Editor), Alan Titchenal (Associate Editor), Fidel Toldra (Associate Editor)
April 2007, Hardcover