
Innovative Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization

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Innovative Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization

ISBN: 978-0-470-67767-4
304 pages
February 2011
List Price: US $50.95
Government Price: US $32.60
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January 24, 2011
Toronto, ON

Innovative Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization

"Innovative Intelligence is the most comprehensive, concise and systematic handbook I've seen on how to succeed at innovating for individuals and organizations. This is an indispensable road map for leaders who want to cultivate a winning culture of innovation or organizations who want to re-invent themselves to scale the next height."

-Arkadi Kuhlmann, President & CEO, ING DIRECT USA


Innovative Intelligence:

The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organization

By David S. Weiss & Claude P. Legrand


Innovation, which we define as creating value with new and implemented ideas, is a key source of productivity and competitive advantage, but it remains frustratingly elusive for many organizations. They train individuals, hire more creative people, or create specialized innovation departments. Yet, for most organizations, these investments yield only disappointing results. They are left with an alarming innovation gap.

 The new book Innovative Intelligence (Wiley; February 2011; Cloth; $39.95) answers the question: How can we close the innovation gap by making individuals and organizations systematically and sustainably innovative? The key to success is to ensure that organizational practices and culture genuinely foster innovative thinking.

 Authors David S. Weiss and Claude P. Legrand are available for interview, and can speak about:

  • How leaders can maximize innovation within their organization;
  • What companies risk by not being innovative;
  • How to foster a culture that supports innovation;
  • Why leading innovation within an organization is a process that can be learned.

Innovative Intelligence gives readers a clear roadmap and practical tools to make their cultures more supportive of innovation, identify and tap into the innovative intelligence in their workplace and develop leaders who can close the innovation gap for greater business success.

Reviews About Innovative Intelligence:

"The time is right for a book of this scope. The authors address the challenges created for organizations today by the complexity of change. They offer a step by step, practical systems approach to innovation. They wisely consider the individual, the teams they work in, the culture and the organization environment that’s needed to support them, as well as the leadership required to take on these complex challenges. A very useful book for leaders who want to increase the level of innovation in their organization."
- Stanley S. Gryskiewicz, Ph.D., Founder and Board Chair, Association for Managers of Innovation, Author of Positive Turbulence

"Innovative Intelligence is a breakthrough book that redefines what innovation really means. The authors present a compelling view, grounded in psychosocial and organizational theory, rather than trendy quick fixes. Their approach to constructing, shaping, and sustaining a culture of innovation within an organization is rigorous, but practical and systematic. It requires rejecting conventional wisdom and shedding narrow perspectives for the promise of previously unforeseen and implementable solutions to the challenge of innovation."
- Dr. Catherine Zahn, President & CEO, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

"Innovative Intelligence is an important and significant book. It asks a simple question which has a profound impact on any organization. The question is ‘how can we make individuals and organizations systematically and sustainably innovative?’ The practical and disciplined approach to ‘asking the right questions,’ finding innovative answers, and helping groups build structures for sustainable innovation is nothing short of brilliant. Innovative Intelligence is a must-read for all leaders."
- Paul Alofs, President & CEO of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation

"Innovative Intelligence provides a detailed yet very practical guide for growing and embedding innovation in your organization today and in the future. It is a must-read for the forward-thinking leader."
- Corey Seitz, Vice President, Global Talent Management, Johnson & Johnson

About the Authors

Dr. David S. Weiss is President and CEO of Weiss International Ltd., a firm specializing in innovation, leadership, and Human Resources consulting. Previously Chief Innovation Officer in a multinational consulting firm, David's current university positions include Affiliate Professor at the Rotman School of Management of University of Toronto, and Senior Research Fellow of Queen's University. David is a sought-after keynote speaker who has presented at over 200 conferences and is the author or co-author of four best-selling business books: Leadership Solutions (2007), The Leadership Gap (2005), High Performance HR (2000), and Beyond The Walls of Conflict (1996). For more information, visit www.weissinternational.ca.

Claude P. Legrand is the founder and President of Ideaction Inc., a consulting firm which specializes in sustainable innovation. For over 20 years he has been one of North America's leading experts in practical innovation and is an acclaimed and frequent conference presenter. He leads a team of experienced consultants who help organizations become innovation-capable and deliver major innovation projects. In 2007, he was the founding Program Director of the Centre of Excellence in Innovation Management at the Schulich Executive Education Centre. For more information, please visit www.ideaction.net.